Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 3

Well, the first weekend of the adventure is upon me. I've now disclosed this "project" to two people B1 and B2. I hoping they hold me accountable. B1 has called it a "thing," he'll catch on soon and realize it's real. He's also going to be the best one to keep me accountable, his own self discipline is insane, and he'll push me and expect the same of me which is great.

M emailed this morning asking if I wanted to split some training sessions with her. I told her yes which will also be good. I like Soul because 1. its expensive so if you're registered and don't go, you're literally throwing money away and 2. because I actually like it. The same thing will be the case with the training, it will be fun to do with M and having someone else count on me will definitely keep me focused.

We'll see how the weekend goes. I'm worried about the drinking and the pool party we have tomorrow but I mean, its not like I'm going to give up booze and fun, I'll just have to learn to make good choices a habit and lifestyle rather than feeling restricted. I did ok with that the other day at the bowling party so that's good. B1 and I aren't going out tonight so that helps keep things in check too.

Second weigh in and I'm below 170 for the first time in I have no idea how long. I hope and know I won't ever get above 170 again along this journey. The only place to go from here is DOWN.

SW 8/19: 170.6
8/22: 169.2
GW by 9/20: 165.4
UGW: 140.6 

Chobani Peach Simply 100
Venti Iced Coffee, Splash H&H, 1 Spleenda
1/2 A Peach
Medium Banana
Zinque Le Bowl: Brown Rice, Arugula, Tomato, Ahi Tuna, Avocado, Parmesan, EVOO
Medium Iced Coffee, Splash H&H, 1 Stevia

We just ordered Chinese for dinner which will be interesting. I ordered the steamed vegetables with brown rice and a side of Kung Pow sauce - I'll probs just douse everything in Sirracha. We also got an order of fried rice which is a weakness of mine. Stay strong! I keep telling myself....I also want a glass of red wine which I think I will have since it's been a long week and again, I want to be realistic here!

I did some arm moves with some lunges and squats while watching Below Deck (not ashamed). I did the moves during commercials, was actually breathing heavy, we'll see if I'm sore at all tomorrow. 

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