Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 2

Ok so now i'm actually going to be posting about today. Feeling pretty good but there were some spikes of being really hungry - waiting too long between meals and not having a good snack to keep the blood sugar going. Ugh, does this mean I have to eat raw unsalted almonds? Gross.

McD Egg White Delight McMuffin
McD Medium Black Iced Coffee - Added a Splash H&H and 1 Stevia

Mixed Greens Salad: Shredded Carrots, Shredded Pickled Beets, Cucumber, Tomato, Balsamic Vinaigrette
Scoop Chicken Salad (I know this isn't the best form of protein, being mayo based and all - this one will be hard to break, so filling and satisfying)

Medium Banana

2 Spicy Black Bean Boca Burgers (was starving!)
Ketchup and Sirachha Blend
Asparagus Roasted with 1Tsp EVOO S&P
Green Peans with S&P

3L Water

Heather P's 7am Soul class. Feeling super sore after that class and was a little sluggish - probably need to eat something before going in there plus I had only a little but nutrition devoid food for dinner.

Weighing in tomorrow morning. We'll see how it goes. I cant decided if weighing before the weekend and twice a week will be a good thing to keep myself in check or if I'll just obsess over it.

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